Asia Beach Resort & Spa

To ensure that the raw materials/products we supply are directly proportional to the concept of sustainability, our suppliers;

  • Have internationally recognized environmental and sustainability certificates such as Integrated Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management Systems, Occupational Health and Safety, etc.,
  • Minimize or eliminate all impacts that may harm the environment during production and supply, and comply with environmental legislation,
  • Use/consume raw material resources appropriately without harming natural life and pay attention to hunting seasons,
  • Make efforts to minimize their waste and separate packaging waste,
  • Be a local production/service provider company,
  • Offer environmentally friendly, energy-saving, recycled or recyclable materials that do not contain harmful chemical components, and organic alternatives,
  • Offer products/services that reflect/promote the cuisine, traditions, and culture of our country/region,

We attach importance and convey this perspective to our shared suppliers. We strive to create efficient purchasing opportunities with our suppliers and aim to reduce the environmental impacts arising from procurement processes.




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+90 (242) 510-1500
Asia Beach Resort AI Helper