Asia Beach Resort & Spa

Asia Beach Resort & SPA Hotel As , our priority is to protect the environment by adopting the concept of sustainability in our production and service activities, to develop the link between the natural and social environment, to support the local people and to leave a more livable world for future generations. 

Our sustainability approach should be incorporated into our decision-making processes and ensure the satisfaction of our customers and employees. This approach;

  •  To raise awareness about sustainability by providing periodic training to employees,
  •  To use clean and renewable energy sources in all our activities,
  •  To ensure energy efficiency, 
  •  To reduce carbon emissions, 
  •  To use water sparingly,
  •  To determine a waste management policy and take necessary measures to dispose of the wastes from our hotel in a way that will not harm the environment, 
  •  To be able to work on sustainability together with employees and suppliers, 
  •  To respect human rights, 




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+90 (242) 510-1500
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