Asia Beach Resort & Spa

As Asia Beach Resort Hotel, our goal is to achieve perfection in line with the continuous improvement approach by creating a healthier and safer working environment for all our employees, guests, and subcontractors when necessary, by accepting people as the most valuable asset in all our activities. We act with the goal of creating the necessary awareness and culture on occupational health and safety issues and the belief that all work accidents and occupational diseases are preventable. We aim for zero work accidents and zero occupational diseases by using the occupational health and safety (OHS) policy management system. With this understanding, we guide our work, continuously improve ourselves, and act according to the following principles.


  • To comply with legal regulations regarding occupational health and safety in all our activities,
  • To ensure the health and safety of our employees, to provide training and awareness by our occupational safety specialist, to work within their professional qualifications, to prevent them from working on issues beyond their limits,
  • To ensure that all our employees, suppliers, and visitors comply with the established OHS rules, to carry out audits accordingly,
  • To identify the factors that may cause work accidents and occupational diseases in our workplace in advance, to prepare risk analysis, to eliminate any dangerous or risky situations,
  • To measure the performance of the OHS management system and to work to increase performance,
  • To ensure the continuous development and improvement of our system by ensuring the participation of our employees and suppliers in all our processes,
  • To evaluate hazards and take protective measures to minimize the effects of possible risks, to continuously improve our occupational health and safety culture and to commit to achieving the sustainable ‘Zero Work Accident’ target,
  • To apply health surveillance by having our employees undergo initial and periodic examinations by our workplace physician and other health personnel,
  • To be prepared for possible emergencies by taking necessary precautions, to carry out emergency drills before an emergency occurs in order to raise awareness, to ensure life safety supervision by assigning two escorts to disabled employees,
  • To establish an OHS Management System by meeting the requirements of the OHSAS 18001 management system and to fulfill all legal obligations for the continuity of the works.


In this direction, we undertake to continue our efforts to ensure a healthy working environment in our businesses.




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+90 (242) 510-1500
Asia Beach Resort AI Helper